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I highly credit the work I did with Chelsie with me getting five genetically normal embryos at age 37. We had mild male factor so we had to do IVF. Two IVF egg retrievals and thankfully, success on my first transfer. Six weeks pregnant now and feeling pretty good!

Alli M.


 If you have been struggling with your health and can't find solutions from conventional medicine then Moore Integrative Health is your answer! Chelsie is the first professional I met after several years of searching for answers to my health after having multiple concussions. I have been misdiagnosed numerous times and put on several medications that only worsened my symptoms. After my first assessment with Chelsie, she slowly introduced strategies to improve my health that immediately made a difference. After a few weeks, I started to see a vast change in my overall well being that I haven't felt in years. Now, it takes a lot of self-work to achieve the results you want but with some patience and dedication, you can get there and Chelsie will meet you where you're at. Overall my energy has immensely increased, migraines diminished, quality of sleep has improved and the list goes on. It's only been 3 months, and I can't wait to see how my health continues to progress. Chelsie has been phenomenal to work with and I'm so grateful to have found her, even if I live over 1200 miles away!



I was in and out of all sorts of doctors offices, received tests from the nation's biggest lab, and still never received any real answers and kept getting sicker. I felt like I was just another number to take money from, instead of a patient to heal. Then I found Chelsie. I have always been into holistic health and knew how important a good diet was, but I didn’t know if it was possible to heal such a severe infection naturally. Chelsie schooled me hard in so many ways. She taught me that I could heal myself and gave me the tools and the mental strength to do it. I now know what an incredible machine our bodies are if we give them what they need. I truly feel like Chelsie saved my life. In all honesty, I felt stuck and so alone from being in a bad health situation with zero reasonable conventional choices. I had never been sicker in my life and I feared for the worst. I am forever grateful to Chelsie; not only for the incredible and vast knowledge she possesses but also for her genuine kindness. She had the knowledge, eagerness, and resources to support me in health. But more importantly, always had a healthy optimism that kept me going. This experience taught me to never take my health for granted, and Chelsie taught me how to eat and live for long term health. Thank you, Chelsie!

Natasha R.


You know that saying - “when one thing changes, everything changes”?

That’s been my experience since working with Chelsie. Well, okay, maybe there was more than ONE change, but it all started the day I filled out my health assessment to begin working with Chelsie. My first thought was, “this is really extensive” my second thought was, “why aren’t our primary doctors looking into our whole health like this” I had this immediate sense of relief and hope that my underlying issues would finally be exposed and the secondary issues would be corrected. I have always been an advocate for my health, and have done my best at eating the right foods and taking supplements, exercise yoga and sleep.

The confusing and laborious part I feel for all of us is knowing the best, most bioavailable supplements, and eliminating the crap. That's the first thing Chelsie did for me when we met. I seriously needed her research and work on this to straighten this all out for me. Also, knowing where my deficiencies were. Your fingernails, your hair, your skin, your sleep, your energy levels…all that and more gave Chelsie a snapshot of my strengths and weaknesses in my diet and lifestyle habits. Chelsie went to work with me on my gut health. And this is the ONE thing that changed, where everything else began to change.

My energy is up, my thinking is clear, my mood is light and engaging, my weight went down, my appetite increased, my strength in the gym is greater. My sleep is solid. All my complaints have literally been eliminated when Chelsie sorted through my health history, diet and supplementation. AND, she sends me recipes!! My husband is so happy I have a purpose in the kitchen now! Chelsie has been available to me every time I’ve reached out with a question. I have never in my life felt so supported in eliminating what isn’t good for me, and embracing what I need for optimum health and wellness. The guesswork and my own stumbling around the internet for information is over. I am so so grateful. I wish this for all of you that visit this page and have the pleasure of working with Moore Integrative Health.You know that saying - “when one thing changes, everything changes”?

That’s been my experience since working with Chelsie. Well, okay, maybe there was more than ONE change, but it all started the day I filled out my health assessment to begin working with Chelsie. My first thought was, “this is really extensive” my second thought was, “why aren’t our primary doctors looking into our whole health like this” I had this immediate sense of relief and hope that my underlying issues would finally be exposed and the secondary issues would be corrected. I have always been an advocate for my health, and have done my best at eating the right foods and taking supplements, exercise yoga and sleep.

The confusing and laborious part I feel for all of us is knowing the best, most bioavailable supplements, and eliminating the crap. That's the first thing Chelsie did for me when we met. I seriously needed her research and work on this to straighten this all out for me. Also, knowing where my deficiencies were. Your fingernails, your hair, your skin, your sleep, your energy levels…all that and more gave Chelsie a snapshot of my strengths and weaknesses in my diet and lifestyle habits. Chelsie went to work with me on my gut health. And this is the ONE thing that changed, where everything else began to change.

My energy is up, my thinking is clear, my mood is light and engaging, my weight went down, my appetite increased, my strength in the gym is greater. My sleep is solid. All my complaints have literally been eliminated when Chelsie sorted through my health history, diet and supplementation. AND, she sends me recipes!! My husband is so happy I have a purpose in the kitchen now! Chelsie has been available to me every time I’ve reached out with a question. I have never in my life felt so supported in eliminating what isn’t good for me, and embracing what I need for optimum health and wellness. The guesswork and my own stumbling around the internet for information is over. I am so so grateful. I wish this for all of you that visit this page and have the pleasure of working with Moore Integrative Health.



After I got sober and was living a life of sobriety I became aware of the way I felt, not only emotionally but physically. Physically I was in pain. I think back to the times after meals when I would roll around on my bathroom floor. I would hold my abdomen wishing I could pop my stomach to release the pressure and relieve the inflammation as well as the pain I was experiencing. It was not just my stomach that was taking the hit. I was chronically fatigued, had severe brain fog, was constantly bloated, had dry skin, dandruff, thinning hair, and felt an overall discomfort in my whole body. This was my norm and I believed this was just the way I would always feel. This all changed one day when I was talking to a friend about my symptoms. She gave me Chelsie's contact information and was sure that I would find relief. I called Chelsie the next day and asked her if she would be willing to help me. She emailed me extensive intake paperwork right away, suggested an elimination diet, and gave me a list of supplements that could be helpful based on my eating habits and symptoms. She provided me with grocery lists, recipes, and all the tools I needed to be successful. After just one week, my stomach pain had subsided. After two weeks my dandruff was gone as well as the dryness on the back of my arms. I felt SO good, better than ever before! I stayed on this elimination diet for two whole months then started re-introducing foods I had avoided. After a few weeks I fell back into old habits. I was eating sugar and felt awful all over again. This time I knew what to do to feel my very best. I went back to following all the advice and information Chelsie provided me with. She not only helped me change my life, but she gave me the tools to be successful for a lifetime.



I cannot emphasize enough how strongly I believe in Chelsie and what she's doing. I originally went to see her because of on-and-off blemishes over the years; I ended up with not only clear skin, but a new way of living that has given me more energy, better moods, decreased anxiety and brain fog, and knowledge on how to heal certain types of illnesses through nutrition alone.

On top of a healthier lifestyle, Chelsie gave me something that has been incomparable and invaluable: her undivided attention. She asked thoughtful questions, listened to what I had to say, and took the time to get to the bottom of some health issues that had been plaguing me for quite some time. She did extensive research that goes beyond any clinician I've ever met, and genuinely cared about me as a person (not just a client). Her goal was to get me healthy, not to keep me in the medical revolving door. This woman is brilliant, and I cannot wait to see how she continues to help others through her work.

Sadie U.

For the past 8 or 9 years, I've been struggling with some health conditions including some that are exacerbated by food allergies and food sensitivities. Trying to sort through all the triggers/symptoms was a huge challenge. Extremely frustrating and I was still unsuccessful on my own. Connecting with Chelsie was truly life-changing. She is extremely intelligent and curious. Combine this with her vast knowledge of nutrition and health and I found the ideal person to help with my journey back to health. I can't say enough about Chelsie Moore - I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her!